Ruby’s Net::SSH is Limited to 3 Authentication Tries: Understanding the Difference with OpenSSH Client
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Ruby’s Net::SSH is Limited to 3 Authentication Tries: Understanding the Difference with OpenSSH Client

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If you’re a Ruby developer working with SSH connections, you might have stumbled upon an annoying limitation: Ruby’s Net::SSH library restricts you to only 3 authentication attempts. This can be a major frustration, especially when compared to the OpenSSH client, which doesn’t have this limitation. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this restriction, explore the implications, and provide solutions to overcome this limitation.

The Problem: 3 Authentication Tries Only

When using Ruby’s Net::SSH library, you might encounter the following error:

Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user [username](username)

This error occurs because the Net::SSH library is designed to limit the number of authentication attempts to 3. This is a built-in security feature intended to prevent brute-force attacks. While this restriction makes sense from a security perspective, it can be a hindrance when you need to perform multiple authentication attempts programmatically.

Why 3 Authentication Tries?

The reason behind the 3-try limitation lies in the underlying SSH protocol. According to the SSH protocol specification (RFC 4253), the maximum number of authentication attempts is recommended to be 3. This recommendation is based on the assumption that a legitimate user should not require more than 3 attempts to authenticate successfully.

Ruby’s Net::SSH library adheres to this recommendation to ensure compatibility with SSH servers and to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. However, this limitation can be problematic when working with automation scripts, testing scenarios, or situations where multiple authentication attempts are necessary.

The OpenSSH Client Advantage

In contrast, the OpenSSH client, which is widely used in Linux and Unix-based systems, does not impose a limit on authentication attempts. This means you can attempt to authenticate as many times as needed without worrying about hitting a hardcoded limit.

The OpenSSH client’s flexibility in authentication attempts is a result of its design, which focuses on providing a robust and customizable SSH client. Unlike Ruby’s Net::SSH library, which is designed primarily for Ruby-based applications, OpenSSH is a standalone client that caters to a broader range of use cases.

Implications of the Limitation

The 3-try limitation in Ruby’s Net::SSH library can have significant implications in various scenarios:

  • Automation Scripts**: Scripts that rely on multiple authentication attempts may fail due to the limitation, leading to script failures or incomplete tasks.
  • Testing Scenarios**: Test cases that involve multiple authentication attempts may not be accurately represented, leading to unreliable test results.
  • Scalability Issues**: In scenarios where multiple SSH connections need to be established concurrently, the limitation can cause performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.

Overcoming the Limitation

While the 3-try limitation is a constraint, there are ways to overcome it. Here are some solutions to consider:

1. Use OpenSSH Client

One option is to use the OpenSSH client directly from your Ruby script. This can be achieved by using the `Open3` or `PTY` modules to spawn an OpenSSH client process and interact with it programmatically.

require 'open3'

Open3.popen3('ssh', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', 'username@host') do |stdin, stdout, stderr|
  # interact with the OpenSSH client

This approach allows you to leverage the flexibility of the OpenSSH client while still using Ruby for automation and scripting.

2. Use Net::SSH with a Custom Authentication Handler

Another solution is to create a custom authentication handler that retries authentication attempts programmatically. This approach requires implementing a custom authentication handler class that inherits from `Net::SSH::Authentication::AbstractHandler`.

class CustomAuthenticationHandler < Net::SSH::Authentication::AbstractHandler
  def authenticate(username, password, session)
    # custom authentication logic goes here

By creating a custom authentication handler, you can bypass the 3-try limitation and implement a more flexible authentication mechanism that suits your needs.

3. Use a Third-Party Library

There are third-party libraries, such as `net-ssh-gateway` or `sshkit`, that provide more flexible SSH connectivity options. These libraries often provide workarounds for the 3-try limitation or offer alternative authentication mechanisms.

require 'net/ssh/gateway'

gateway ='username', 'host')
gateway.ssh do |ssh|
  # perform SSH operations

These libraries can provide a more convenient and flexible way to establish SSH connections and overcome the limitations imposed by Ruby's Net::SSH library.


Ruby's Net::SSH library is limited to 3 authentication attempts due to the underlying SSH protocol specification and security considerations. While this limitation can be frustrating, there are ways to overcome it. By using the OpenSSH client, creating a custom authentication handler, or leveraging third-party libraries, you can work around the 3-try limitation and achieve the flexibility you need for your SSH-based applications.

Library Authentication Attempts Flexibility
Ruby's Net::SSH 3 Limited
OpenSSH Client Unlimited High
Custom Authentication Handler Customizable High
Third-Party Libraries Varies High

Remember, when working with SSH connections, it's essential to consider the security implications of your chosen approach. By understanding the limitations and trade-offs of each solution, you can make informed decisions that meet your specific needs.

  1. RFC 4253: The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol
  2. Ruby's Net::SSH Library on GitHub
  3. OpenSSH Client

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about "Ruby's Net::SSH is limited to 3 authentication tries while OpenSSH client is not":

Frequently Asked Question

Ruby's Net::SSH and OpenSSH client are two popular SSH clients, but did you know that they have a key difference when it comes to authentication tries? Let's dive into the details!

Why is Ruby's Net::SSH limited to 3 authentication tries?

Ruby's Net::SSH is limited to 3 authentication tries due to a hardcoded limit in the Net::SSH library. This limitation is in place to prevent brute-force attacks, but it can be frustrating for users who need more attempts.

Why doesn't OpenSSH client have a limit on authentication tries?

OpenSSH client doesn't have a hardcoded limit on authentication tries because it's designed to be more flexible and configurable. This allows users to customize their authentication settings according to their needs.

Can I increase the authentication tries limit in Ruby's Net::SSH?

Yes, you can increase the authentication tries limit in Ruby's Net::SSH by monkey-patching the library or using a custom SSH client implementation. However, be cautious when increasing the limit, as it can make your application more vulnerable to brute-force attacks.

What are the security implications of unlimited authentication tries?

Unlimited authentication tries can increase the risk of brute-force attacks, which can lead to unauthorized access to your system. It's essential to implement proper security measures, such as rate limiting and account lockout policies, to mitigate these risks.

Which SSH client is more suitable for my application?

The choice between Ruby's Net::SSH and OpenSSH client depends on your application's specific requirements. If you need more flexibility and customization, OpenSSH client might be a better fit. However, if you're looking for a simpler, more straightforward SSH implementation, Ruby's Net::SSH could be the way to go.

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