Why is PostgreSQL sorting a seemingly already sorted result set?
Image by Geoffery - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is PostgreSQL sorting a seemingly already sorted result set?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a peculiar phenomenon in PostgreSQL where your beautifully crafted query returns a sorted result set, only to be re-sorted by the database engine itself. You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the mysteries of PostgreSQL’s sorting behavior and provide you with practical solutions to tackle this issue.

The Mysterious Case of Re-Sorting

Imagine you’re working on a query that retrieves a list of orders sorted by their creation date in descending order (newest first). Your query looks something like this:

FROM orders
ORDER BY created_at DESC;

You execute the query, and voilà! Your result set is beautifully sorted with the newest orders at the top. Or so you think. Behind the scenes, PostgreSQL might be re-sorting your result set, even if it’s already sorted. But why?

Understanding PostgreSQL’s Query Optimization

The Role of Indexes

One common reason for re-sorting is the presence of indexes. When you create an index on a column, PostgreSQL uses that index to accelerate query execution. However, if the index is not designed to support the specific sorting order required by your query, the optimizer might choose to re-sort the result set to ensure correctness. For example, if you have an index on the `created_at` column in ascending order (oldest first), but your query requires the result set to be sorted in descending order (newest first), the optimizer might re-sort the result set to ensure the correct ordering.

Statistics and Cardinality

Another factor that influences the optimizer’s decision to re-sort is the statistical data and cardinality estimates. Cardinality refers to the estimated number of rows that will be returned by a query. If the optimizer believes that the result set will be relatively small, it might choose to re-sort the data to ensure correctness, even if it’s already sorted.

Solutions to the Re-Sorting Enigma

Now that we’ve explored the reasons behind PostgreSQL’s re-sorting behavior, let’s dive into some practical solutions to tackle this issue.

Index Tuning

One of the most effective ways to avoid re-sorting is to create indexes that align with the sorting requirements of your query. For example, if your query sorts by the `created_at` column in descending order, create an index on that column in the same order:

CREATE INDEX idx_created_at_desc ON orders (created_at DESC);

This index will allow the optimizer to use the existing sorted order, reducing the need for re-sorting.

Query Hints and Optimization

In some cases, you might need to provide hints to the optimizer to ensure it chooses the correct execution plan. You can do this by using the `Optimizer` directive in your query:

FROM orders
ORDER BY created_at DESC
Optimizer( 'sort=enabled' );

This hint tells the optimizer to enable sorting, which can help avoid re-sorting in certain scenarios.

Subqueries and Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

If you’re dealing with complex queries that involve multiple sorting operations, consider using subqueries or Common Table Expressions (CTEs). These constructs can help isolate the sorting operations and reduce the likelihood of re-sorting:

WITH sorted_orders AS (
  FROM orders
  ORDER BY created_at DESC
FROM sorted_orders;

In this example, the CTE `sorted_orders` ensures that the result set is sorted in the desired order, reducing the need for re-sorting.

Disabling Re-Sorting (Advanced)

In rare cases, you might need to disable re-sorting altogether. You can do this by setting the `enable_sort` parameter to `off`:

SET enable_sort = off;

FROM orders
ORDER BY created_at DESC;

Please note that disabling re-sorting can have unintended consequences and should be used with caution. Make sure you thoroughly test your queries before deploying them in production.


PostgreSQL’s re-sorting behavior can be puzzling, but by understanding the underlying reasons and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can minimize the occurrence of re-sorting and optimize your queries for better performance.

Remember to:

  • Create indexes that align with the sorting requirements of your query
  • Use query hints and optimization directives
  • Employ subqueries and CTEs to isolate sorting operations
  • Disable re-sorting (with caution) when necessary

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the mysteries of PostgreSQL’s sorting behavior and write more efficient, optimized queries.

PostgreSQL Version Compatibility
PostgreSQL Version Supported

This article is applicable to PostgreSQL versions 9.6 and above. Make sure to check the official PostgreSQL documentation for specific details on query optimization and sorting behavior in your version.

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, we recommend the following resources:

  1. PostgreSQL Documentation: Indexes and the Query Optimizer
  2. PostgreSQL Documentation: Row Estimation Examples
  3. PostgreSQL Wiki: Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server

By mastering the intricacies of PostgreSQL’s sorting behavior, you’ll be able to write more efficient, optimized queries that deliver the performance your applications need.

Frequently Asked Question

PostgreSQL sorting conundrum got you stumped? Relax, and let’s dive into the top 5 questions and answers about why PostgreSQL is sorting a seemingly already sorted result set!

Q1: Is PostgreSQL just being extra and re-sorting everything?

Nope! PostgreSQL isn’t just being extra. It’s actually following the SQL standard, which requires the database to return a stable sort. This means that even if your result set appears sorted, PostgreSQL will re-sort it to ensure the correct order.

Q2: What if I use an index to speed things up?

Using an index can definitely help with performance, but it won’t necessarily prevent PostgreSQL from re-sorting the result set. This is because an index only guarantees the order of the data within the index itself, not the final result set. So, if you need a stable sort, PostgreSQL will still re-sort the data.

Q3: Can I force PostgreSQL to skip the re-sorting step?

Kind of… You can use the `UNION` operator to combine the result sets of two or more queries, which can help avoid re-sorting. However, be careful, as this can also affect the overall performance of your query. Additionally, if you’re using aggregate functions like `SUM` or `AVG`, you might still need to re-sort the result set to get accurate results.

Q4: Is this a PostgreSQL-specific issue?

Nope! This isn’t specific to PostgreSQL. Most relational databases, including MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, follow the same SQL standard and require a stable sort. So, if you’re moving to PostgreSQL from another database, you might need to adjust your queries to account for this behavior.

Q5: What’s the takeaway from all this?

The key takeaway is that a “seemingly already sorted” result set might not be as sorted as you think. PostgreSQL (and most databases) will re-sort the data to ensure a stable sort, even if it appears sorted. Be aware of this behavior, and adjust your queries accordingly to get the performance and results you need.