Unlock the Power of Excel: Add 1 to a Number from a Cell in the Last Row of a Sheet in Another Workbook
Image by Geoffery - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Excel: Add 1 to a Number from a Cell in the Last Row of a Sheet in Another Workbook

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Are you tired of manually updating numbers in your Excel worksheets? Do you wish there was a way to automate the process of adding 1 to a number from a cell in the last row of a sheet in another workbook? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that using Excel’s powerful formulas and functions.

Understanding the Problem

Let’s say you have two workbooks: “Workbook A” and “Workbook B”. In “Workbook A”, you have a sheet called “Sheet1” where you want to add 1 to a number from a cell in the last row of a sheet in “Workbook B”. The sheet in “Workbook B” is called “Sheet2”. The number you want to add 1 to is in cell A1 of the last row of “Sheet2”.

Workbook A (Currently Open)
|  Sheet1  |

Workbook B
|  Sheet2  |
|  ...     |
|  Last Row |
|  A1: 10  |

Solution Overview

To solve this problem, we’ll use a combination of the following Excel functions and formulas:

  • INDIRECT function to reference the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”
  • ROW function to get the last row number of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”
  • COUNTA function to count the number of non-blank cells in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”
  • INDEX function to return the value of the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”
  • A simple arithmetic operation to add 1 to the number

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps to add 1 to the number from the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B” and enter it on “Sheet1” in “Workbook A”:

  1. In “Workbook A”, go to “Sheet1” and select the cell where you want to enter the result.
  2. Type the following formula and press Enter:
  3. =1+INDEX(INDIRECT("'[Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2'!A" & ROWS('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)-COUNTA('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)+1),1)
  4. The formula will return the value of the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B” plus 1.
  5. Copy the formula and paste it into other cells as needed.

Breaking Down the Formula

Let’s break down the formula to understand how it works:

=1+INDEX(INDIRECT("'[Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2'!A" & ROWS('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)-COUNTA('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)+1),1)
  • INDIRECT("'[Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2'!A" & ROWS('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)-COUNTA('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)+1): This part of the formula references the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”.
  • ROWS('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A): This function returns the total number of rows in column A of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”.
  • COUNTA('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A): This function counts the number of non-blank cells in column A of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”.
  • & ROWS('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)-COUNTA('Workbook B.xlsx]Sheet2!A:A)+1): This part of the formula calculates the row number of the last non-blank cell in column A of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”.
  • INDEX(...,1): This function returns the value of the cell in the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B”.
  • =1+: This simple arithmetic operation adds 1 to the value returned by the INDEX function.

Tips and Variations

Here are some tips and variations to help you customize the formula to your needs:

  • If the number you want to add 1 to is in a different column, simply change the column letter in the INDIRECT function. For example, if the number is in column B, use B instead of A.
  • If the sheet name in “Workbook B” is different, update the sheet name in the INDIRECT function accordingly.
  • If you want to add a different number instead of 1, simply replace the number in the formula.
  • You can also use this formula to add 1 to a number in the last row of a range instead of an entire column. Simply update the range reference in the ROWS and COUNTA functions.


In conclusion, adding 1 to a number from a cell in the last row of a sheet in another workbook is a simple yet powerful technique to automate your Excel workflows. By using the INDIRECT, ROW, COUNTA, INDEX, and arithmetic operations, you can create a flexible and dynamic formula that meets your needs. Remember to adjust the formula to your specific requirements and take advantage of the tips and variations provided.

Workbook Sheet Cell Result
Workbook A Sheet1 A1 11
Workbook B Sheet2 A10 10

With this formula, you can easily add 1 to the number in cell A10 of the last row of “Sheet2” in “Workbook B” and enter the result in cell A1 of “Sheet1” in “Workbook A”. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your workflows!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on how to add 1 to a number from a cell in the last row of a sheet in another workbook and enter it on a sheet in the currently open workbook!

How do I reference a cell in the last row of a sheet in another workbook?

To reference a cell in the last row of a sheet in another workbook, you can use the following formula: `=[WorkbookName.xlsx]SheetName!A1048576` (assuming the cell is in column A). This formula will return the value in the last row of the specified sheet in the other workbook.

What if I want to add 1 to the value in that cell?

Easy peasy! Simply add `+1` to the formula: `=[WorkbookName.xlsx]SheetName!A1048576+1`. This will add 1 to the value in the last row of the specified sheet in the other workbook.

How do I enter the result on a sheet in the currently open workbook?

Just type the formula `=[WorkbookName.xlsx]SheetName!A1048576+1` in the cell where you want to display the result, and press Enter. The result will be displayed in that cell!

What if I want to make the formula more dynamic?

You can use the `INDIRECT` function to make the formula more dynamic. For example: `=INDIRECT(“‘[WorkbookName.xlsx]SheetName’!A” & ROWS(SheetName!A:A)) + 1`. This formula will always reference the last row of the specified sheet in the other workbook, even if new data is added.

Can I use this formula in a macro?

Absolutely! You can use the formula in a macro to automate the process. For example: `Range(“A1”).Value = Workbooks(“WorkbookName.xlsx”).Sheets(“SheetName”).Cells(Rows.Count, “A”).Value + 1`. This code will add 1 to the value in the last row of the specified sheet in the other workbook and enter the result in cell A1 of the active sheet.