Performance Degradation in SQL Query with Extra Space After DISTINCT Keyword: The Silent Killer
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Performance Degradation in SQL Query with Extra Space After DISTINCT Keyword: The Silent Killer

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Are you tired of wondering why your SQL queries are running slower than a snail on a cold winter morning? Have you tried everything from indexing to optimizing your database structure, but still can’t seem to crack the code? Well, wonder no more! Today, we’re going to talk about a sneaky little culprit that can bring your SQL performance to its knees: the extra space after the DISTINCT keyword.

What is DISTINCT, and why do we use it?

The DISTINCT keyword is used in SQL to remove duplicate rows from a result set. It’s a powerful tool that helps us retrieve only unique values, thereby reducing the overall size of our result set. We use DISTINCT to avoid duplicate data, improve data integrity, and reduce data redundancy.

        SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ...
        FROM tablename;

The Problem: Extra Space After DISTINCT Keyword

So, what’s the big deal about an extra space after the DISTINCT keyword? It may seem harmless, but trust us, it’s a performance killer. When we add an extra space after DISTINCT, the SQL parser treats it as a separate entity, leading to a significant performance degradation.

        SELECT DISTINCT    column1, column2, ...
        FROM tablename;

Why does this happen?

When we add an extra space after DISTINCT, the SQL parser has to work harder to parse the query. This additional overhead leads to increased CPU usage, slower query execution, and ultimately, performance degradation.

To understand this better, let’s take a look at the query execution plan. When we execute a query with an extra space after DISTINCT, the query execution plan changes dramatically.

        -- Query Execution Plan without extra space
        SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ...
        FROM tablename;

        -- Query Execution Plan with extra space
        SELECT DISTINCT    column1, column2, ...
        FROM tablename;
Query Query Execution Plan
Without extra space
  1. Parse query
  2. Optimize query
  3. Execute query
  1. Parse query
  2. Check for syntax errors
  3. Optimize query
  4. Execute query

The Solution: Remove the Extra Space

So, how do we avoid this performance degradation? The solution is simple: remove the extra space after the DISTINCT keyword. By doing so, we ensure that the SQL parser can parse the query efficiently, leading to better performance and faster query execution.

        SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ...
        FROM tablename;

Best Practices to Avoid Performance Degradation

To avoid performance degradation due to extra spaces, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid using extra spaces in your SQL queries, especially after keywords like DISTINCT, SELECT, and FROM.
  • Use a consistent coding style throughout your project.
  • Test your queries thoroughly to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Use query optimization tools to analyze and improve your query performance.


In conclusion, the extra space after the DISTINCT keyword may seem like a minor issue, but it can have a significant impact on your SQL query performance. By removing the extra space, we can avoid performance degradation and ensure that our queries run efficiently. Remember, every little bit counts, and in the world of SQL, attention to detail is crucial.

So, the next time you write a SQL query, make sure to remove those extra spaces and keep your queries running like a well-oiled machine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this performance degradation affect all databases?

A: Yes, this performance degradation can affect any database management system that uses SQL, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.

Q: How do I identify performance bottlenecks in my SQL queries?

A: You can use query optimization tools like EXPLAIN, EXECUTE PLAN, or query profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks in your SQL queries.

Q: Can I use an extra space after other keywords like SELECT or FROM?

A: While it’s not recommended to use extra spaces after any keyword, the performance impact is more significant after the DISTINCT keyword. However, it’s still best to avoid extra spaces throughout your queries to ensure optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Unravel the mystery of performance degradation in SQL queries with extra space after the DISTINCT keyword!

What is the impact of an extra space after the DISTINCT keyword on SQL query performance?

Having an extra space after the DISTINCT keyword can significantly degrade the performance of your SQL query. This is because the extra space forces the database to interpret the query differently, potentially leading to suboptimal execution plans and slower query times.

Does the extra space affect the query results in any way?

No, the extra space after the DISTINCT keyword does not affect the query results. The results will still be correct, but the performance will suffer. It’s essential to eliminate the extra space to ensure optimal query performance.

How do I identify if an extra space after DISTINCT is causing performance issues in my query?

To identify if an extra space after DISTINCT is causing performance issues, review your query execution plan and look for any unusual patterns or suboptimal operations. You can also try removing the extra space and re-executing the query to see if the performance improves.

Are there any specific databases that are more susceptible to performance degradation due to extra space after DISTINCT?

While the impact of extra space after DISTINCT can affect any database, some databases like Oracle and SQL Server are more prone to performance degradation due to their specific parsing and optimization mechanisms.

What is the best practice to avoid performance degradation due to extra space after DISTINCT?

The best practice is to always ensure that there is no extra space after the DISTINCT keyword in your SQL queries. This simple habit can help prevent performance issues and ensure optimal query execution.

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