Efficiently Retrieving Pardot Users Based on Email Domains from a Large External List
Image by Geoffery - hkhazo.biz.id

Efficiently Retrieving Pardot Users Based on Email Domains from a Large External List

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Are you tired of manually searching through your Pardot database to find users based on their email domains? Do you have a large external list of email addresses that you need to match with your Pardot users? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to efficiently retrieve Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list using a clever combination of API calls and data manipulation techniques.

The Challenge: Matching Email Domains with Pardot Users

Imagine you have a list of 10,000 email addresses from a recent marketing campaign, and you need to find the corresponding Pardot users associated with those email addresses. You could manually search through your Pardot database, but that would be a tedious and time-consuming task. Instead, we’ll show you how to use Pardot’s API and some clever data manipulation techniques to retrieve the users efficiently.

Step 1: Preparing the External List of Email Addresses

The first step is to prepare your external list of email addresses. You can do this by importing the list into a spreadsheet or a CSV file. Make sure to remove any duplicates and format the email addresses consistently (e.g., all lowercase).

Email Address

Step 2: Extracting Email Domains from the External List

Next, you’ll need to extract the email domains from the external list. You can do this using a simple formula in your spreadsheet or CSV file. For example, you can use the following formula in Google Sheets:


This formula takes the email address in cell A1 and extracts the domain by finding the position of the @ symbol and then taking the substring to the right of it.

Email Address Email Domain
john.doe@example.com example.com
jane.doe@example.net example.net
bob.smith@example.io example.io

Step 3: Retrieving Pardot Users Using the API

Now that you have the list of email domains, you can use Pardot’s API to retrieve the corresponding users. You’ll need to make a GET request to the /users endpoint and pass the email domain as a query parameter.


This API call will return a list of users associated with the specified email domain. You can then iterate through the list and extract the user IDs, email addresses, and other relevant information.

Step 4: Matching Pardot Users with External Email Addresses

Once you have the list of Pardot users, you can match them with the external email addresses using a simple join operation. You can use a spreadsheet or a programming language like Python to perform the join.

import pandas as pd

# Load the external list of email addresses
external_list = pd.read_csv('external_list.csv')

# Load the list of Pardot users
pardot_users = pd.read_csv('pardot_users.csv')

# Perform the join operation
matched_users = pd.merge(external_list, pardot_users, on='email_address')


Step 5: Filtering and Refining the Results

Finally, you can filter and refine the matched users based on additional criteria, such as job title, company, or custom fields. You can use Pardot’s API to retrieve the custom fields and then filter the results using a programming language or a spreadsheet.

import pandas as pd

# Load the matched users
matched_users = pd.read_csv('matched_users.csv')

# Filter the results based on job title
filtered_users = matched_users[matched_users['job_title'] == 'Marketing Manager']



In this article, we’ve shown you how to efficiently retrieve Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list. By using Pardot’s API and some clever data manipulation techniques, you can quickly and easily match email addresses with Pardot users. This can be a powerful tool for marketers and sales teams who need to quickly identify and engage with leads and customers.

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind when retrieving Pardot users based on email domains:

  • Use a consistent email address format throughout your external list and Pardot database.
  • Remove duplicates from your external list to avoid multiple API calls for the same email address.
  • Use pagination when retrieving Pardot users to avoid hitting API rate limits.
  • Use caching or session storage to store the results of API calls and avoid unnecessary requests.
  • Test your API calls and data manipulation techniques on a small sample set before running the full process.

Common Errors and Solutions

Here are some common errors and solutions you may encounter when retrieving Pardot users based on email domains:

  1. Error: API Rate Limit Exceeded

    Solution: Use pagination and caching to reduce the number of API calls. You can also increase the API rate limit by contacting Pardot support.

  2. Error: Email Address Not Found

    Solution: Check the email address format and ensure it’s consistent with your Pardot database. You can also use a fuzzy matching algorithm to find similar email addresses.

  3. Error: Multiple Users Found for the Same Email Address

    Solution: Use a unique identifier, such as the user ID or email address, to disambiguate the results. You can also use Pardot’s deduplication feature to merge duplicate users.

By following these steps and best practices, you can efficiently retrieve Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on efficiently retrieving Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list.

What is the most efficient way to retrieve Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list?

The most efficient way to retrieve Pardot users based on email domains from a large external list is by using the Pardot API and filtering by email domain. You can use the `GET /api/prospects/v5/do/query` endpoint and pass the email domain as a filter parameter. This method allows you to retrieve a large number of users quickly and efficiently.

How do I handle large external lists with thousands of email domains?

When dealing with large external lists, it’s essential to implement pagination to avoid overwhelming the Pardot API. You can use the `offset` and `limit` parameters to retrieve users in batches, processing a manageable number of users at a time. This approach ensures that your system doesn’t get overwhelmed, and you can efficiently process the entire list.

Can I use Pardot’s built-in reporting features to retrieve users based on email domains?

While Pardot’s built-in reporting features are great for generating reports, they are not designed for large-scale data retrieval. For efficiency and scalability, it’s recommended to use the Pardot API, which provides more flexibility and control over data retrieval. The API allows you to specify exact filters, retrieve specific data, and process large amounts of data quickly.

How do I ensure data accuracy and consistency when retrieving users based on email domains?

To ensure data accuracy and consistency, make sure to normalize the email domains in your external list before retrieving users. Remove any duplicates, trim whitespace, and convert all domains to lowercase. This step helps to reduce errors and ensures that you retrieve the correct users based on the email domains.

Are there any security considerations I should be aware of when retrieving Pardot users based on email domains?

Yes, when retrieving Pardot users based on email domains, ensure that you follow best practices for securing API credentials and authentication. Use secure protocols, such as HTTPS, and always validate the authenticity of the API responses. Additionally, limit access to the API credentials to authorized personnel, and monitor API activity for any suspicious behavior.